1. condemn
(v.) – осъждам
2. suburban home (phr.)
– крайградски дом
3. strangle (v.)
– задушавам, удушавам
4. douse (v.)
– потапям, цопвам
5. gasoline (n.)
– бензин
6. juror
(n.) – съдебен заседател
7. Superior Court (n.)
– Щатски съд
8. unanimously (adv.)
– единодушно
9. span (n.)
– промеждутък, ограничен
период от време
10. judge (n.)
– съдия
11. impose
the sentence (phr.) – налагане
на наказанието
12. persuade (v.)
– убеждавам, увещавам
13. death penalty (phr.)
– смъртно наказание
14. clumsy (adj.)
– тромав, непохватен
15. drug-addicted
(adj.) – наркозависим
16. thief (n.)
– крадец
17. burglar (n.)
– крадец с взлом,
18. co-defendant
(n.) – съответник
19. mastermind (n.)
– главен ръководител,
20. remorseful (adj.)
– разкаян
21. prosecutor (n.)
– ищец, прокурор
22. hostage (n.)
– заложник
23. testimony () –
свидетелство, свидетелски
24. smoke
inhalation (phr.) – вдишване
на дим
25. unsettling
(adj.) – обезпокоителен
26. tougher (adj.) – строг,
27. offender (n.)
– нарушител
28. home invasion (phr.)
– домашен взлом
29. abolish
(v.) – отменям
30. punishment (n.)
– наказание
31. aggravating
factors (phr.) – утежняващи
вината фактори
32. heinous (adj.)
– отвратителен, гнусен
32. mitigating (adj.)
– смекчаващ
33. harsh
(adj.) – суров, груб
34. testify
(v.) – свидетелствам
35. trial (n.)
– процес, пробен период
2. Definitions of criminal offences
and battery (нападение
и побой)
physical injury
purposeful burning of any kind of structure
of trust (злоупотреба
с доверие)
offer or acceptance of anything of value in exchange for influence on a government/public
official or employee.
of a duty by a person in charge of funds
abuse (насилие върху дете)
type of cruelty inflicted upon a child, including mental abuse, physical
harm, neglect, and sexual abuse or exploitation
conduct (противообществено
in which the offender follows, harasses, or threatens another person, putting
that person in fear for his or her safety
violence (домашно
harm inflicted on one member of a household or family by another member of
the same household or family (usually between spouses)
evasion (укриване
на данъци)
avoidance of paying state, or local taxes
Embezzlement (незаконно присвояване,
of assets (money or property) by a person in a position of trust or
responsibility over those assets
gaining of property by force, or threat of violence, property damage or harm
to reputation
making of a fake document, the changing of an existing document, or the
making of a signature without authorization.
of court (обида
на съда)
that defies, disrespects or insults the authority or dignity of a court
exposure (непристойно
display of one’s genitals in public, causing others to be alarmed or offended
на лични вещи)
someone else’s property without the consent of the owner
killing that results from recklessness or criminal negligence
after taking an oath to tell the truth, such as when testifying in court or
communicating through certain legal documents.
encouraging or demanding someone to engage in criminal conduct, most commonly
be drink in public, to “disturb the peace”
rape (изнасилване)
relations involving someone below the age of consent
a. intentional
perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of
value or to surrender a legal right
b. an act of deceiving or misrepresenting
c. a person
who is not what he or she pretends to be:
impostor; also: one who
defrauds (cheat)
to import or
export secretly contrary to the law and especially without paying duties
imposed by law
Kidnapping (отвличане, похищение)
to seize and
detain or carry away by unlawful force or fraud and often with a demand for
(предумишлено убийство)
the crime of
unlawfully killing a person especially with malice (злонамереност,
злоба) aforethought
stealing by
stopping a vehicle on the highway
(изнудване, шантаж)
the payment
that is extorted
(кражба на кола)
the action
of violently stealing an occupied car.
Tax evasion (укриване на данъци)
is illegal. Tax avoidance (избягването на данъци) is making
arrangements which are legal so that you pay less tax.
In 2016 some 13 percent of the $ 400 billion given to U.S. charitable
institutions was lost through embezzlement (незаконно присвояване).
2. He left that
in letting Dunstan have the money, he had already been guilty of a breach
of trust (злоупотреба
с доверие)
hardly less culpable (престъпен) than that of
spending the money directly for his own benefit.
Wilson refused to cooperate with the investigation and was jailed last week for
of court (обида
на съда).
4. An
abortion clinic worker advised her to lie about her age so she could avoid
reporting a statutory rape (изнасилване) and obtain an
5. Stalking
(хулиганството) may involve
repeated attempts to establish a close relationship with the victim and non-consensual (насилствен, с насилие) communication
such as making repeated telephone calls.
Although the practice of breastfeeding
(кърмене) is common not
only in developing nations, but in much of Europe too, in America it has
sometimes led to painful situations where nursing mothers have been arrested
for indecent
exposure (непристойно
7. Each of the
witnesses answered in the affirmative, and, given their conflicting testimony (свидетелски показания),
one of them likely committed perjury (лъжесвидетелстване).
8. Hundreds of
thousands of dollars was missing and presumed by Mr. Ward in a sophisticated
(обиграно присвояване) scheme.
Antonio Johnson, a convicted felon (осъден престъпник),
is now charged with six counts of forgery (с шест обвинения за фалшифициране) for falsifying (фалшифициране) signatures on voter
registration forms.
In Massachusetts, having sex with a 15-year-old equals statutory rape (изнасилване).
11. Children who
come from homes where domestic violence (домашно насилие) take place,
carry with them the traces of violent patterns for their entire lives.
The fire that killed their mother was no accident. It was arson (палеж).
He and Mr. Bello face charges of grand larceny (едра кражба) and possession
of stolen property.
Money laundering (пране на пари), tax evasion
and solicitation
of prostitution (склоняване
към проституция),
are just some of the charges that Spitzer could face here.
With this procedure there are a lot more opportunities for corruption, shady
practices and bribery (подкупничество).
16. We have been
focused on off-shore tax evasion (офшорно
укриване на данъците)
– wealthy
individuals parking assets overseas and then not paying the taxes that they
3. Completing the text using the following nouns
1. The
criminal justice process typically begins when a police officer places a person
under arrest (човек
под домашен арест).
2. It occurs when
a person has been taken into police custody (полицейски арест) and is no
longer free to leave or move about.
3. The
use of physical restraint (физическо
задържане, ограничаване)
or handcuffs (белезници) is not
always necessary. A police officer may usually arrest a person in the following
If a police officer personally sees someone commit a crime, the officer may
arrest that individual. For example a police officer pulls over a vehicle that
is being driven erratically, and after administering a Breathalyzer test (тест дрегер), sees that
the driver’s alcohol intoxication level is more than twice the state’s legal
limit (правна
for safe operation of a vehicle. When a police officer has a reasonable
belief, based on facts and circumstances, that a person has committed or is
about to commit a crime, the officer may arrest that person. This belief, known
as “probable
cause” (вероятна
may arise from any number of different facts and circumstances.
When a police officer has obtained a valid warrant (валидна заповед)
to arrest
a person, the arrest is lawful (законен).
An arrest warrant is a legal document issued by a judge or magistrate, usually
after a police officer has submitted a sworn statement (клетвена декларация) that sets out
the basis for the arrest.
7. After
a criminal
suspect (подозрение
за извършено престъпление)
is arrested, the next step in the case is to determine whether he or she
is eligibile for release (освобождаване) from custody in
exchange for the posting of a set amount of money
– bail (пари под
4. Legal term definitions
призоваване на съд)
procedure in which an accused person is called before a court to answer the
charge made against him or her by indictment
(обвинителен акт, предявяване
на обвинение), information, or complaint.
bargain (сделка
с прокуратурата)
legal procedure seeking to have a criminal conviction overturned or sentence
hearing (предварително
“trial before the trial” at which the judge decides whether there is enough
evidence to force the defendant to stand trial.
motions (досъдебно
that certain evidence should be kept out of the trial, that certain persons
must or cannot testify, or that the case should be dismissed altogether.
Appeal (обжалване)
procedure in which the defendant agrees to plead guilty to one or more
charges (often to a lesser charge than the one for which the defendant could
stand trial) in exchange for a more lenient sentence.
Expungement (заличаване)
court-ordered process in which the legal record of an arrest or a criminal
conviction is “sealed”, or erased in the eyes of the law
5. Collocations
Aggravating (отежняващ)
circumstance, behavior, evidence,
evidence, laboratory, expert,
(спазващ закона)
life, people, behavior, man
(отвратителен, гнусен)
murder, behavior, act, violation
Unlawful (незаконен)
wiretapping, possession, entry, imprisonment
6. Completing the sentences using the following verbs in the correct form
1. The
judge overruled (отхвърли) the defence attorney’s
objection (възражение) and told me to
Maria Gonzalez, 52, is charged (обвинен, а, о, и) with grand larceny (theft of personal property),
fraud and possession of stolen property.
3. The
jury is going to weight aggravating (отежняващ) versus mitigating (смекчаващ) factors, and
determine if the aggravating factors outweigh (тежа повече от, надделявам) the mitigating
4. The Court of Appeals (Апелативен съд) reversed
(давам заден ход на,
връщам) the ruling of the district court
(Окръжен съд).
5. The Fifth
Amendment gives you the right to remain silent, the right not to incriminate
(правя да изглеждам
виновен) yourself.
6. Cases were dismissed
(отхвърлен, а, о, и)
when the judge found the charges unsubstantiated
7. With the
country’s moral reputation at stake (в залог)
Swiss justice officials say they will mete out (раздавам, правораздавам) harsh punishment (грубо, тежко наказание) to any bank
found dealing in Mobutu’s money.
The prosecutors (прокурори, ищци) believed that
Cindy George somehow had masterminded (планирам) the murder plot (заговор за убийство),
but they didn’t have any evidence (доказателство) to charge
9. Though briefly
he considered an insanity (безумие) defence, he ultimately
guilty to solicitation (настояване, ходатайство)
to commit
(въвличам, заангажирам)
first-degree murder and trafficking in cocaine.
10. Ten months
later Matt and Jennifer were formally sentenced (осъден) to life in
prison without the possibility of parole (без право на обжалване).
11. Bell has
previous offences, and if convicted (осъден) of the
cocaine-sales charges, he could be sentenced to 19 years in prison.
I don’t think there’s a jury in the world that would acquit (оправдавам, уреждам) these
The man was sentenced to death and was only reprieved (помилван) on grounds of insanity (безумие),
after a massive international campaign.
14. Those who argue the other side, that immigration must be curtailed and the border secured, say that it is unprincipled to aid and abet (подстрекавам) those who have entered the US illegally.
14. Those who argue the other side, that immigration must be curtailed and the border secured, say that it is unprincipled to aid and abet (подстрекавам) those who have entered the US illegally.
7. Criminals and wrongdoers and their definitions
(важна клечка)
most important person or element in an enterprise or system
(крадец на публично
who attacks people in the street to steel their money or other possessions
who makes fake documents or money
who deceives people by pretending to be someone else
associate (сътрудник) in wrongdoing (злосторничество)
(тартор, подстрекател)
who leads others, especially in illicit
(незаконен, непозволен)
or informal activities
(купувач, който краде
от магазин)
who takes goods from shops without paying for them
who steals from the pockets or handbags of others in public places
(наемен убиец)
professional killer
(професионален убиец)
who murders an important person (usually a politician)
who incites someone to commit a crime or assist the perpetrator, either
before or during the act
who catches or shoots birds or game without permission

8. Completing the sentences using the following nouns
1. He
is nothing but an imposter (измамник),
a commoner’s son impersonating royalty.
2. Home detention
has become a popular alternative to prison terms for many convicted nonviolent (ненасилствен, а, о, и) offenders (правонарушители).
3. I have been
accused of obstruction of justice, planting evidence, and being an accessory
(съучастник, помагач)
to murder, I can never return to Italy.
4. Stan Patz took
matters into his own hands, to try to keep a known child molester (насилник) away from
other parents’ children.
A child, as defined in law, generally refers to a minor (непълнолетен, незначителен), a person
younger than the age of majority (пълнолетие).
6. A 101-year-old
woman on her way to church is accosted by a mugger (крадец на улицата),
who wants her purse.
7. Mumbai’s
harbor, the main port of entry into India’s commercial and financial hub, is
essentially under the control of Dawood Ibrahim, an organized-crime kingpin
(голяма клечка).
8. Veteran defence
attorney (защитник) Charles
Rominger would be attacking the weaknesses in the people’s case.
Wendy was an unwitting (несъзнаващ) accomplice (съучастник) to her own
father’s murder.
10. The project
aims at encouraging law-abiding behaviour among juvenile (непълнолетен, младежки) delinquent (престъпник).
11. What happens
to an inmate (затворник) if the crime
for which he was convicted ends up being legalized while he’s still in jail?
Rocky would call the coroner (следовател) the next day
and ask for a thorough and full examination (изследване) of Rosie’s
13. This case held
that harm to the plaintiff (ищец)
can include “feelings of inferiority” (чувство на малоценност) as
to their status in the community.
I naively believed that if forensic
evidence (съдебномедицински
existed that could contain the DNA of a perpetrator (извършител, виновник)
of a crime, then it would be tested before a person was executed.
15. The defence
expert offered the most compelling
evidence (убедителни
доказателства) against the defendant (ответник, обвиняем).
16. A convicted felon
(разбойник, углавен
престъпник), he could go to prison just for owning a gun.
Because the statute of limitations has run out on all federal and most local
charges, prosecutors (прокурорите) will have few
options in using whatever material federal investigators might bring to them.
Relatives of the three victims sued the publisher of Hit Man, Peder Lund,
claiming him to be an accessory (съучастник) to the
murders, who aided and abetted the crime.
9. Completing the sentences using derivatives of allege (твърдя, заявявам, оправдавам се), indict (подвеждам под отговорност) or punish (наказвам)
1. The
witness (свидетел,
свидетелство, свидетелски показания) has testified to sleeping
soundly at the time of these alleged (предполагаем) incidents (инцидент, случай).
2. He faces a
weapons possession charge for allegedly (както се твърди, уж)
carrying a Jennings 22-caliber pistol
3. I’m a
therapist. I refuse to be a punisher (правораздаващ). You cannot punish
and treat someone at the same time.
Another charge relates to allegations (твърдения, заявления)
that he stole a 34-foot boat in Ilwaco, Washington.
5. The
19-year-old gained notoriety for allegedly (както се твърди)
stealing planes and boats.
6. Four of the
counts are punishable (наказуеми)
by up to 10 years in prison.
7. A grand jury
has indicted
(обвинен) a
former senior National Security Agency official on charges of providing
classified information to a newspaper.
8. There are many
people who are cited in the indictment (обвинителен акт, обвинение)
without names, only initials and numbers.
9. There is no
question today that deliberate infliction
(умишлено причиняване)
of pain as punishment (наказание,
наказване) is unconstitutional.
10. Until each
statement is proved it is only an allegation (заявление, твърдение).
11. He made no
excuses and seemed prepared to accept any punishment (наказание) that I might
mete out without complaint.
10. Studying the following synonyms and use them to complete the sentences
1. Allege
(твърдя, представям като
оправдание) –
to assert without or before proof; to put forward (an argument or plea)
for or against an accusation or claim
2. Affirm
(твърдя, утвърждавам,
потвърждавам) –
to declare positively or firmly; to maintain to be true; to support or
uphold the validity of (it indicates firm belief or unshakable conviction)
3. Assert
(твърдя, отстоявам,
заявявам, предявявам) –
to state or express positively; to state categorically to defend or
4. Attest
(заверявам, удостоверявам
валидността на) – to affirm to be correct, true, or genuine; to
certify by signature or oath; to be evidence of; to stand as proof of (used
with the preposition to)
5. Claim
(претендирам, твърдя,
изисквам) –
to demand as being due or as one’s property; to assert one’s title or
right to; to call for or need; to deserve
6. Declare
(заявявам, обявявам) – to state
emphatically or authoritatively; to make something public
7. Maintain
(твърдя, държа, запазвам,
отстоявам) –
to assert something in the face of evidence or arguments to the contrary
(it almost always involves controversy or disagreement)
8. Plead (умолявам, пледирам, защитавам в съда, отговарям на обвинение, обръщам се към съда) – to offer reasons for or against something; to ague earnestly; to appeal or request earnestly; to assert as defence, vindication (реабилитиране, оправдание), or excuse
9. Testify (свидетелствам, давам показания) –
to bear witness as in a court of law; to declare solemnly (тържествено) to be true (used
with the preposition to)
11. Meaning of the phrasal verbs with come
1. Come
about (случвам
се, появявам се) –
occur, happen
2. Come
by (сдибивам) – acquire, get,
3. Come
by (наминавам) –
pay a short visit
4. Come
along (помъквам,
запътвам) – make progress, advance towards a goal
5. Come
across (срещам
случайно, натъквам се на) – to meet or find by chance
6. Come
around – change one’s opinion or position
7. Come
off (отлепвам се,
откъртвам се) –
turn out to be successful
8. Come
out (излизам,
излизам наяве) –
be issued or published
9. Come
to (достигам до
положение да) –
recover consciousness
into (влизам във
владение на) –
inherit (наследявам,
получавам наследство)
up with –
produce, create; propose
12. Colloquial idiomatic expressions
1. William
Hundley rose to prominence as the prosecutor who persuaded Joe Valachi to blow
the whistle on (to show to the public dangerous conditions or illegal
activities, [бия тъпана
за]) the Mob.
2. I will go
straight (to stop
breaking the law and lead a lawful life instead [вървя в пътя])
3. He did a
bunk (A place for sleeping), out of the bedroom window, when his
parents came home unexpectedly.
Otto cut a deal. He’d take the rap (опирам пешкира) if his wife
and son got suspended sentences and promised to leave town.
The man hired a good lawyer and was able to beat the rap (to avoid
being punished) easily.
The marauders (мародери) hold
to ransom (to force someone to do something by putting them in a situation
where something bad will happen to them if they do) several
coastal towns.
When Mimi asks where he got it, he says “Like I said, it fell off the back of a lorry (Of
goods or merchandise, to be acquired by illegal or dubious means; to come into
(someone's) possession without being paid for. Primarily heard in UK.)!”
Drug barons were greasing the palm (to give someone money to persuade them to do
what you want) of the chief of police.
The first investigation in 1993 was derailed when the child’s family pocketed a
reported $20 million in hush money (money paid as a bribe to
persuade someone to remain silent and not reveal certain information).
First of all you have to case the joint (to look over some
place to figure out how to break in, what to steal, etc.) to see where things
are before attempting anything.
A mob defector named Frank Fappiano coolly recounted life in the brutish (скотски) and trigger-happy (горящ от желание да
започне бой) Gambino crime family.
12. The soft
drinks in the cinema are really expensive. I paid 10 dollars for a cola. It’s highway
robbery (пладнешки
13. Idiomatic expressions
1. The
judge came down hard on (to criticize someone or something) the boy
who had been arrested for breaking into a house.
While it once seemed Mel Ignatow would get away scot-free (to avoid the
punishment that you deserve or expect) with murder, prosecutors can take some
measure of relief knowing a dangerous killer is behind bars, at least for now.
The girl got a tongue-lashing (If you give someone a tongue-lashing, you
speak angrily to that person about something that they have done wrong [четене на конско])
from the judge over her role in the crime.
The case was cut-and-dried (Prepared and arranged in advance; settled) and
it ended in less than one hour.
The boy got a slap on the wrist (to get a light punishment for doing
something wrong) for causing the damage to the public washroom (умивалня,
обществена тоалетна).
6. The court
clerks always go by the book (to do something exactly as the rules tell you [като по устав, по учебник])
when they are dealing with court matters (съдебни
7. The criminal
was not sorry for his crime, so the judge decided to throw the book at (to
charge or convict someone with as many crimes as is possible) him.
The future of the criminal was hanging in the balance (to depend on
something for success or continued existence [вися на косъм, в критично положение съм])
as he waited for the judge’s decision.
9. The argument
which the lawyer presented did not hold water (not able to be
proved; not correct or true).
The experienced lawyer found it very easy to pick holes in (to find mistakes
in something someone has done or said) the argument of the main witness.
The jury
is still out on (a decision has not been reached on someone or
something; the people making the decision on someone or something have not yet
decided) whether or not we will move.
The trial ended in a hung jury (A jury that is unable to reach a verdict because
its members are unable to reach unanimous agreement (as in criminal cases) or
the extent of agreement required by law (as in civil cases).) which made
another trial necessary.
14. Completing the text using the following words
abuse has become a growing problem nationwide
(цялата страна). The government
that between one and two million Americans over the age of 65 have been injured
or mistreated
by caregivers (болногледачи).
November the state closed the Orchard Court Nursing Home for failing to comply
(спазвам, съгласявам се)
with safety regulations. The
state may potentially revoke (отменям, отнемам)
the licenses of six other long-term care facilities.
true scope
of nursing (кърмене) home abuse is difficult to grasp
(разбирам, схващам)
because of underreporting (несъобщаване). Elderly
victims often do not communicate the suffering they experience. For some older
individuals this is a result of diminished (намален, снижен) capacity or
intimidation from the caregiver responsible. Others are ashamed about what
happened and embarrassed to discuss it with family. It is important that family
members remain actively involved in a loved one’s care so they can be alert
for signs of neglect (небрежност) or abuse (злоупотреба).
is difficult to imagine a caregiver physically harming a vulnerable (уязвим) adult, but
unfortunately this type of abuse happens all too often. Neglect often occurs
because of understaffed (с
недостатъчен персонал) facilities or a lack of proper training for caregivers. Many
individuals in nursing homes require around-the-clock (денонощен) attention. The demands of
this care, in combination with lack of training and short-staffed facilities,
may result in neglect. Unfortunately, sometimes neglect may also be more willful
(преднамерен, своенравен).
In addition
to recognizing physical types of abuse and neglect it is important to also
watch for signs of emotional abuse in elderly loved ones. Emotional abuse can
take several forms. These include verbal assaults
(нападение, физическо
насилие), insults (обиди), threats intimidation (сплашване) or harassment (измъчване, дразнене). Emotional
abuse may not result in physical damage to the body, but the harm from words
alone can be significant. Signs of emotional abuse include withdrawal (оттегляне) from
activities, strange behavior such as repetitive (повтарящ се) rocking, depression
or low self-esteem and involuntary (принудителен) seclusion (усамотение).
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