1. General glossary

1. abdominal pain (phr.) – болка в корема
2.unaware (adj.) – който не знае, не чувства, не забелязва
3. abdomen (n.) – корем, коремна област
4. intestine (n.) - черво  
5. bowel (adj.) – чревен
6. chest (n.) – гръден кош, сандък
7. pelvis (n.) – таз, бъбречно легенче
8. medical emergency (phr.) – спешна медицинска помощ
9. mild pain (phr.) – лека болка
10. convenient (adj.) – удобен, подходящ, пригоден
11. prompt (adj.) – бърз; n. напомняне, суфлиране; v. подсказвам, подтиквам
12. stool (n.) – нужник
13. nausea (n.) – гадене
14. vomiting blood (phr.) – повръщане на кръв   
15. tenderness (n.) – болезненост, чувствителност
16. belly (n.) – корем
17. jaundice (n.) – жълтеница
18. swelling (n.) – подуване
19. dull (adj.) – тъп, скучен    
20. twisting (adj.) – виещ, усукващ
21. tearing (adj.) – раздиращ
22. bowel movement (phr.) - дефекация  
23. distention (n.) – раздуване
24. diagnostic test (phr.) – диагностичен тест
25. platelet (n.) - тромбоцит  
26. pus (n.) – гной
27. inflammation (n.) – възпаление
28. germ (n.) – зародиш, микроб, бацил
29. imaging test (phr.) – тест за изображения
30. digestive tract (phr.) -  храносмилателен тракт
31. duodenum (n.) – дванадесетопръстник
32. rectum (n.) -  the final section of the large intestine, terminating at the anus 
33. gut (n.) – черво
34. grudge (n.) – недоволство, злоба; v. посвидява ми се
35. an addiction (n.) – пристрастяване
36. aching knee (phr.) – болки в коляното
37. grievance (n.) – повод за оплакване, недоволство
38. witness statements (phr.) – свидетелски показания
39. constituency (n.) -  избирателен район, клиенти
40. resentment (n.) – възмущение, обида, негодувание 

2. Word definition

pelvis (таз) - a wide curved group on bones at the level of the hips

constipation (запек) - a common digestive problem that makes it difficult for you to have a bowel movement

jaundice (жълтеница) - yellow discoloration of the skin

radiation (излъчване, радиация) - spread of the pain to other areas

stools (изпражнения) - excrements

diarrhea (диария) - frequent, watery bowel movements

distention (подуване)  - a swelling of the abdomen, usually resulting from overeating (преяждане)

pus (гной) - thick yellowish mass that forms in an infected area

reduce (намалявам, понижавам) - to damage or diminish (an ability or function), made it worse

esophagus (хранопровод) - the tube that carries food, liquids and saliva (слюнка) from your mouth to the stomach

duodenum (дванадесетопръстник) - tubes that transport the bile from the gallbladder (жлъчен мехур) to the small intestine

colon (основна част на дебелото черво) - a section of the large intestine extending to the rectum

endoscopy - an image, as of an unborn fetus or an internal body organ, produced by ultrasonography

3. Medicine words in sentences

1. Ulcer (язва) can be treated by taking medications (лекарства) that reduce stomach acid secretion.

2. As the food you eat passes through your digestive tract (храносмилателен тракт), your body takes nutrients and water from the food.

3. The persistent pain and ear discharge (ушен секрет), coupled with the positive culture report for the fingus (гъбички), is what clinched the diagnosis.

4. Passing gas through the mouth is called belching (оригване). Passing gas through the rectum is called flatulence (подутост).

5. Heartburn (киселини в стомаха) is a painful burning feeling in your chest or throat. It happens when stomach acid backs up into your esophagus (хранопровод).   

6. Patients with a narrowed portion of the esophagus (хранопровод) often have trouble swallowing; food feels like it is “suck” in the chest region, causing discomfort or pain.

7. Eating enough fiber and drinking enough fluids (течности) will help your stools (изпражнения) move through your intestines by increasing their bulk (обем, размери) and making them softer.

8. Your liver makes a substance called bile (жлъчка) that helps with digestion. Your gallbladder (жлъчен мехур) stores it until you need it to digest fat (мазнини).

9. The stubble (набола брада) on his chin (брадичка) had formed ugly bumps (подутини), and some of them were oozing (процеждам, изпускам) blood and pus (гной).

10. They decided to organize a swimming class for the physically impaired (физически увреден).

11. The doctor assured her that her blood count (кръвна картина) was normal.

12. Some of the most common medical reasons for stools abdominal pain may include diarrhea, constipation, menstrual periods.

4. Definition for the following occupations

outpatient (амбулаторно болен)
optician (оптик)
orderly (санитар)
pediatrician (педиатър)
herbalist (билкар)
gynecologist (гинеколог)
osteopath (остеопат)
pathologist (патолог)
obstetrician (акушер-гинеколог)
hypnotherapist (хипнотерапевт)
geriatrician (гериатър)
chiropodist (ортопед)
scrub nurse (асистираща при операция мед. сестра)
ophthalmologist (офталмолог)
intern (стажант)
paramedic (фелдшер)
midwife (акушерка)
medical examiner (патолог)

1. herbalist – a person specialized in the use of herbs to treat medical conditions

2. chiropodist – a person trained to treat and care for people’s feet

3. osteopath – a therapist who manipulates the skeleton and muscles

4. outpatient – a person who visits the hospital regularly for treatment while still living at home

5. midwife – a person, usually a woman, who is trained to assist women in childbirth (раждане).

6. intern – a physician who has recently graduated from medical school and is learning medical practice in a hospital under supervision, prior to beginning a residency program.

7. orderly – an attendant who does routine, nonmedical work in a hospital.

8. pathologist – a doctor specializing in the study of the nature of disease and its causes, processes, development, and consequences.

9. medical examiner – a physician officially authorized by a governmental unit to ascertain causes, processes, development, and consequences.

10. ophthalmologist – a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment (лечение) of eye diseases.

11. obstetrician – a doctor who delivers babies.

12. paramedic – a person who is trained to give emergency medical treatment or to assist physicians in providing medical care

13. pediatrician – a doctor specializing in treating sick children

14. hypnotherapist – a person treating people through the use of hypnosis

15. optician – a person who provides glasses and contact lenses

16. gynecologist – a doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the female reproductive organs

17. geriatrician – a physician who specializes in diseases and conditions affecting the elderly.

18. scrub nurse – a specially trained nurse who directly assists a surgeon during an operation

5. Medical devices

plaster cast (гипсова отливка)
syringe (спринцовка, шприц)
stretcher (носилка)
bandage (бинт, превръзка)
tweezers (пинцети)
dental braces (стоматологични скоби)
wheelchair (инвалидна количка)
gauze (марля)
plaster (гипс)
hearing aid (слухов апарат)
crutches (патерици)
walking stick (бастун)
stethoscope (стетоскоп)
gurney (носилка-количка)
test tube (епруветка)

6. The diseases are arranged according to the organs they affect

The heart and blood
Infectious diseases
The lungs and respiratory system
anaemia (малокръвие)
chicken pox (варицела)
pneumonia (пневмония)
varicose veins (разширени вени)
scarlet fever (скарлатина)
tuberculosis (туберколоза)
coronary thrombosis (коронарна тромбоза)
diphtheria (дифтерит)
asthma (астма, задух)
blood clot (кръвен съсирек)
influenza (грип)
bronchitis (бронхит)
leukemia (левкимия)
arthritis (артрит)
tonsillitis (ангина, възпаление на сливиците)
haemorrhage (кръвоизлив)
whooping cough (магарешка кашлица)
leprosy (проказа)
piles (хемороиди)
measles (дребна шарка, морбили)
angina (ангина, гръдна жаба)

meningitis (менингит)
rhinitis (ринит)

The digestive tract
Mental disorders (психични разстройства)
Skin conditions (кожни заболявания)
hernia (херния)
schizophrenia (шизофрения)
acne (младежки пъпки)
diarrhea (диария)
paranoia (параноя)
rash (обрив)
laryngitis (ларингит)
manic depression (маниакална депресия)
itch (сърбеж, силно желание)
appendicitis (апендицит)
claustrophobia (клаустрофобия)
scabies (краста)
stomach ulcer (язва на стомаха)
incontinence (невъздържаност)
shingles (херпес)
constipation (запек)
hysteria (хистерия)
blister (пришка)
indigestion (лошо храносмилане)
anorexia (загуба на апетит)
wart (брадавица)
heartburn (киселини в стомаха)
hypochondria (хипохондрия)
corn (мазол, царевица)
dyspepsia (диспепсия)
post-traumatic stress (посттравматичен стрес)

7. Words in three groups

Medical equipment (медицинско оборудване)
Medicines (лекарства)
Accidents (злополуки)
gurney (носилка)
laxative (разслабително)
choking (задавяне)
stethoscope (уред за слушане на гърдите)
pain killer (болкоуспокояващо)
black eye (синина, лоша репутация)
wheelchair (инвалидна количка)
lozenge (подсладена таблетка бонбонче)
suffocation (задушаване, задух)
crutch (патерица)
cough mixture (сироп за кашлица)
dislocation (дезориентация)
tweezers (пинцети)
intravenous antibiotics (интервенозни антибиотици)
frostbite (измръзнало място)
forceps (щипци)
tranquilizer (успокоително)
strangulation (удушаване, задушаване)
sling (превръзка през рамо)
seltzer tablets (сода таблетки)
fracture (счупване)
stretcher (носилка)
antihistamine (анталерген)
casualty (ранен човек, нещастен случай)

pastille (ароматна таблетка)
slash (рана, разрез)

anaesthetic (упойка)
miscarriage (спонтанен аборт, помятане)

Learning the vocabulary for medical and dental care

Learning the vocabulary for medical treatment and the hospital using pictures

Learning the vocabulary for ailments symptoms and injuries

8. Expressions and their meaning

1. slimming diet диета за отслабване

2. dental plates зъбни протези, плаки

3. corrective surgery естетична, коригираща хирургия

4. nervous breakdown нервно разтройство

5. hearing aid слухов апарат

6. medical manpower медицински персонал

7. splitting headache остро главоболие

8. terminal disease неизлечима болест

9. occupational therapy трудова терапия

10. poor circulation лоша циркулация

11. adhesive tape лейкопласт

12. artificial respiration изкуствено дишане

13. operating theatre операционна зала

14. impaired hearing увреден слух

15. blood transfusion кръвопреливане

9. Using words in the correct form

1. The horse was breathing hard but unwounded save for a long, shallow (плитък) scratch (драскотина) on its left shoulder.

2. She looks off-colour (от смесена раса) and listless (апатичен, равнодушен).

3. Children have been infected by hand-to-mouth (ръка в устата) contact, by swimming in a contaminated water park.

4. This is an ideal pick-me-up (съживително питие). It will restore your energy and good spirits.

5. Your nose is runny (сополив). Why don’t you take some nasal drops (капки за нос)?

6. Those other diapers, she says, caused her daughter to break out in a rash (обрив).

7. He continued to scream, the blood rising in his head, intoxicated and dizzy (замаян, зашеметен) from the acid liquor of his rage (бушуване).

8. Her head felt like an inflated balloon, her throat raw and scratchy (надраскан, дращеш). 

9. She drank tea, swallowed some pills, but by afternoon her head was throbbing (пулсиращ, трептящ) and it hurt to talk.

10. This is the child who jumped from a tree branch ten feet high and sprained (изкълчи, навехна) an ankle (глезен).

11. Her dress was torn at the shoulder, one leg was scraped up, and a bruise (натъртване, натъртеното място) was darkening (потъмняване) on her cheek (буза, страна).

12. The thought of it kept us digging even after the blisters (пришки) on our palms (длани) had burst.

13. The inferno threatened the lives of the 149 resident orphans, many of whom were feverish (трескав) and bedridden (прикован към леглото) from measles (дребна шарка, морбили).

14. Every bump (подутина, неравност) in the road shook my queasy (причиняващ гадене) stomach.

15. With this Pro Skater 2 PlayStation you can have all the fun of competitive skateboarding without the skinned (олющени) knees (колене), the sprained wrists (навехнати китки), the broken ribs.

16. Most of the time she was lying in bed, sweaty (потен, изпотен) and dizzy.

17. She believed that pastille (таблетката-бонбон за смучене) and lozenge (подсладена таблетка) were no better for a score throat than regular hard candy.

10. Usage note

USAGE NOTE: pain, hurt, ache.
All these verbs indicate a sensation of severe physical or emotional discomfort. The difference is in their use. Pain means to cause distress, grief (скръб, мъка, печал), anxiety (безпокойство); to be the cause of pain. It takes as a subject the cause of pain. Ache means to suffer (страдам, търпя) distress, grief or anxiety; to earn painfully (печеля болезнено). Hurt means to cause physical damage or emotional distress (емоционален стрес).  

11. Using the correct word

Babies who have colic cry a lot more than most babies. They may clench (стискам здраво) their fists when crying, curl up (гърча се) their legs or seem like they are in pain. They may even turn bright red from crying. When this crying lasts for more than 3 hours a day and happens at least 3 days per week for more than 3 weeks, it’s called colic. Colicky babies usually get fussy (суетлив, превзет) toward the end of the day, but colic can happen at any time.

A baby who has colic may cry in bouts (пристъпи) or may cry almost all of the time. When your baby cries, he or she may swallow air. This may give your baby gas and make your baby’s tummy (коремче) look swollen (подут) and feel tight (стегнат, напрегнат), which may make him or her even more uncomfortable.

No one is sure what causes colic. Babies who have colic are typically healthy, so it’s not caused by a medical problem. Colic isn’t caused by the way the baby is handled or treated, and it is not the parents’ fault. It may be caused by stomach pain or the baby’s temperament. Babies who have colic seem to need more attention and are more sensitive (чувствителен) to their environment than other babies.

There are certain things you can do to soothe (успокоявам, облекчавам) your baby. If you are breastfeeding try to avoid spicy (пикантен) foods. If you are feeding your baby formula, make sure you warm it up. You can try feeding (хранене, кърмене) your baby in an upright (изправен) position and burping (оригвайки) him or her more often. Try gently rubbing (триене, потриване) your baby’s stomach. Give your baby a pacifier (биберон) and wrap or swaddle (повивам) the baby in a soft blanket (лека завивка). Put your baby in a stroller (детска количка) and go for a walk.

12. Studying the following synonyms and completing the table

1. Soothe (утешавам, облекчавам) – to bring comfort, composure (спокойствие, хладнокръвие), or relief (облекчение, релеф, успокоение); to cause to feel better; (a sore throat, muscles, skin, a burn)

2. Ease (облекчавам, спадам) – to free from pain, worry, or agitation (възбуда, агитация, вълнение); to relieve (stress, restrictions, frustration, worries, concerns, discomfort)  

3. Alleviate (облекчавам) – to make (pain, sorrow, misery, etc.) easier to bear; to lessen (намалявам, смалявам)

4. Assuage (успокоявам, уталожвам) – to make (something burdensome or painful) less intense or severe (guilt, hurt feelings, wounded pride, insecurity); to satisfy or appease

5. Quell (разсейвам, потискам, обуздавам) to suppress or beat down (rebellion, disorder, etc.); to subdue (потушавам); to overcome or ally (hunger, anger, agitation, violence, tension, inflammation)

6. Quench (гася, загасявам, уталожвам) – to satisfy (one’s thirst, desires, etc.); to put out (a fire, flame, etc); to extinguish; to put down or quell; to suppress.

7. Ally (съюзявам, свързвам) – to reduce the intensity; to calm or pacify; to set to rest (anger, fears, concerns, doubts, suspicion)   

8. Pacify (успокоявам, умиротворявам) to restore calm to or establish peace in; to ease the anger or agitation of

9. Mollify (укротявам, смекчавам) – stresses the soothing (успокояващ) of hostile feelings; to appease (opponents, critics)

10. Conciliate (умилостивявам, успокоявам) – implies winning over, often by reasoning and with mutual concessions; it is often used intransitively

11. Appease (успокоявам, помирявам) – to bring peace, quiet, or calm to, esp. by acceding to the demands of; to satisfy or relieve (a person)

12. Placate (успокоявам, сдобрявам, предразполагам) – to cause to be more favorably inclined; to gain the good will of (a person, demonstrators)

Appease and placate suggest satisfying claims or demands or tempering antagonism, often by granting concessions.


1. The massage table is not merely (само, просто) a place we go to soothe/ease our sore (болезнен, наранен) muscles.

2. A 100 percent aloe vera gel will soothe the skin, as will any mild, unscented moisturizer (овлажнител).

3. He has boned up on the health-giving properties of grapefruit, how they increase circulation, tighten the skin, reduce fever, assuage/quell/quench thirst, kill germs, relieve constipation, reduce fatigue (изтощение, изтощителна работа).

4. An army was required in order to pacify the islands.

5. Americans have reached the conclusion that it’s important for our national security to stabilize and pacify Iraq.

6. He’s created a lifestyle which basically has incorporated the conflict avoidance or the ability to conciliate between different personalities and different positions.

7. A wise government knows how to enforce with temper (нрав, настроение) or to conciliate with dignity.

8. The sincere (искрен, откровен) apology mollify/placate the indignant (възмутен) customer.

9. She shifted position to ease her back.

10. He was on blood thinners to ease his circulation, light treatments for his jaundice, and regular dialysis to aid his kidneys.

11. He eased his guilt (вина) by confessing to the crime.

12.Cantaloupe and honeydew (манов) provide slow-digesting carbs that help assuage/appease the craving for bread.

13. Rail advocates say the system will help to ease/alleviate traffic congestion by giving people more transit options.

14. The new norm of democratic governance has done little to alleviate the scarcity that confronts the poorest of the region.

15.The planning commission’s unanimous approval of the site did not mollify/appease/placate the project’s opponents.

16. The therapist mollified/appeased/placated the angry teenager by speaking gently.

17. Diverting attention away from economic issues and directing it towards an external enemy may serve to mollify/appease/placate public opinion.

18. Time and effort will still be required to allay/ease/quell these early misgivings (опасения, лоши предчувствия).

19. Until now, Madagascar’s biological riches have done little to alleviate/allay the country’s human poverty.

20. The government failed in its effort to quell/allay panic by withholding information about the disease from the Chinese people.

21. The multi-million-dollar project was designed to mollify/appease/placate the residents of Swain County.

22. I appeased/allayed my friend’s anger with a compliment.

23. An orange, for example, contains antioxidants that quell inflammation (възпаление). 
24. Attending the new church did nothing to quell/allay his growing anger.

25. Damien’s face broke into a smile gorgeous (разкошен) enough to quell the nagging (заядлив) thoughts.   

13. Meanings of break + postfix

1. Sergeant Schulz asked if yellow fever had broken out (разразявам се, бликвам) in Cuba, as it usually did during the summer.

2. Mama Peg broke out (избивам на, разразявам се) in a deep belly laugh (смях от сърце), intermingled (размесвам, смесвам) with emphysemic hacks (суха кашлица).

3. The skin around his mouth looked funny, like he’d broken out (разразявам се, избивам на) in a rash (обрив), a purple rash.

4. If there are times of the month when you consistently (последователно) break out (разразявам се, избивам на), preventively apply your antiacne product a week before.

5. Police came and accused (обвинен) the African Americans of trying to break in (нахлувам, вмъквам се).

6. When breaking in an engine you should refrain (въздържам се) from high speed for the first thousand miles.

7. “She told you to stay here”, Mike broke in (намесвам се, прекъсвам).

8. The conversation broke off (прекъсвам, млъквам) as the thing stopped and changed direction.

9. Morrison broke off (млъквам, прекъсвам) mid-question (средата на въпрос) and bared his teeth (озъбвам).

10. A few of the vultures (лешояди) broke off (отчеквам се, откършвам, откъсвам) and spiraled down (спираловидно надолу) toward them.

11. They have all reconfigured their lives substantially (значително) to break away from (избугвам от) the tightknit (тясно преплетената) Jewish community.

12. Over time, the protein in the egg shell breaks down (събарям, разбивам) into its constituent (съставен) amino acids.

13. The attention now being focused on the issue would help break down (разбивам, събарям) Russians resistance.

14. We have a young guy, a young Haitian working with us, who just broke down (загубвам самообладание) and started crying.

15. As he spoke, the transmission began to break up (развалям, разтурвам).

16. “I don’t trust them”, Uz said to Tobias after the meeting broke up (разтурвам).

17. It’s regrettable when a marriage breaks up (разтурвам, развалям).

18. Armed robbers broke through (прониквам, пробивам) his security system and killed his wife of 34 years.

19. It took Billy Bob Thornton a long time to break through (пробивам) in Hollywood.

20. His booming voice (гърмящ глас) broke through (пробивам) the racket (врява) of the locker room (съблекалня).

14. Phrasal verbs meanings

1. break up – to separate or become separated

2. break in – to train or adapt for a purpose

3. break in – to enter premises forcibly or illegally

4. break off – to stop suddenly, as in speaking

5. break out – to become affected with a skin eruption, such as pimples (пъпка, пъпчица)

6. break through – to make a sudden, quick advance, as through an obstruction

7. break down – to divide into or consider in parts; analyze

8. break down – to decompose or cause to decompose chemically

9. break up – to scatter (пръскам се, наръсвам); disperse (разсейвам)

10. break away from – to separate or detach (отвързвам, отделям) oneself, as from a group

Phrasal verb
Suitable noun
Break out
war, uprising, disagreement, clashes, conflict, fight, plague, epidemic, sweat
Break down
discussion, system, talks, vehicle, barriers, prejudices, resistence
Break up
marriage, school, party, crowd, meeting, jazz band,  
Break into
a house, shop
Break in
a horse, new shoes, a new car,
Break off
conversation, an engagement, a relationship
Break through
moonlight, sunlight, defense, security system, fog
Break away from
the church, old customs, traditions,


15. Studying the following words and completing the sentences

outbreak (избухване, изблик, инвазия)
breakout (бягство, избил, станал известен)
breakdown (проваляне, повреда, авария)
breakthrough (пробив, внезапен голям напредък)
break-up (разпадане, края на учебната година)

1. There are scientific breakthroughs on the horizon and happening right now, so I am very hopeful about the cure in the near future.

2.  His hope is that a breakdown in the current negotiation will drive the Liberal Democrats into the arms of Labor.

3. The alternative is a breakup of the EU’s 20-member monetary alliance.

4. He and Mulligan, the 24-year-old British breakout star who probably will be in the Oscar race this year, became a couple off-screen, too.

5. Now there is a potential breakthrough, a biotech firm appears to have developed the first ever vaccine.

6. The impending (предстоящ) rains will create the potential for a major outbreak of disease.

7. I called this guy from the Navy and asked him, “Do you have the breakdown for these numbers”

8. Annie supposed the breakup had been as inevitable as the fact that they’d fallen in love in the first place.

9. The proposal is considered a breakthrough after years of stalemate (патово положение) over the federal role in setting education standards.

10. For more on this latest outbreak of drug-related violence in Mexico, we turn to Angela Kocherga.

11. There was a breakdown in the communication between teams and within teams.

12. Steve McQueen had a couple of breakout years selling Mustangs and watches.

13. We need policies now to fight a global outbreak of inflation.

14. Robin’s breakout role was in The Princess Bride with Cary Elwes.

15. Green reveals a bit of his personal life. He admits that when he sings his 1971 breakout hit Tired of Being Alone, these days, he really means it.

16. I practically had a nervous breakdown with all the crying and pain.

17. Though they both tried, it had been awkward (непохватен, тромав) between them ever since the breakup.

18. The fragility (чупливост) of the situation in the Middle East was exacerbated by the outbreak of hostilities.


16. Idioms

To loose one’s heart to
to fall in love with
To lose heart
to be discouraged, frightened
at heart
as what someone cares about the most, to be well-intentioned
To take (something) to heart
to take seriously and be affected or troubled by
Not to have the heart to
to lack the desire or strength to do something
To one’s heart’s content
as much as one wants.
To wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve
to show one’s feelings clearly and openly
Heart and soul
adv. enthusiastically; n. the most important thing/person, the central or crucial factor
In one’s heart of hearts
In one’s deepest feelings; fundamentally
To have one’s heart in the right place
someone has only good intentions

“He isn't a good judge of other people, but his heart is in the right place.”


1. You get to see all the new guns, shoot them to your heart’s content and then give us your personal opinions.

2. He has been rejected so many times that he finally lost heart.  

3. The night before, Meilan’s words had sown some fear in him; yet he kept reminding himself not to take it to heart.

4. I liked the guy. He’s a decent sort, and he’s intelligent, and his heart is in the right place.

5. The old-school view is that playing “hard to get” during a job interview will impress your potential boss. Wrong! Wearing your heart on your sleeve is more likely to help you bag the job.

6. I didn’t have the heart to tell him his injury would prevent him from playing football.

7. To be honest, in my heart of hearts, I don’t want be believe that he did something like that.

8. I doubt if I shall see my brother back in England, He is in Taormina and has so lost his heart to the place that he has actually bought a house there.

9. He always managed to succeed, and never lost heart, even in 1966 when a tractor crushed his knee.

10. Janice devoted herself heart and soul to her new employment.

11. My dear girl, your heart is in the right place. You have thought the worthy thought, you have done the worthy thing.

12. This is very cruel of you. I didn’t believe you would have it in your heart to do such a thing.

13. He kept laughing at my dreams, and gradually I too stopped believing and lost heart.        
14. I do believe in their heart of hearts they know its value.

15. He’s seen a lot of good and bad in people. That’s what’s made him as emotional and passionate as he is. He definitely wears his heart on his sleeve.

16. I’m a cockeyed optimist at heart. I tend to look on the rosy (румен, оптимистичен, розов) side of almost everything.

17. I am the heart and soul of this organization, its founder, philosopher, spokeperson, organizer, financier and all the rest.

18. I’m an environmental engineer by training but a conservationist at heart.

17. Studying the expressions with hand and completing the sentences choosing a suitable one

at hand
close by in time or space.

„I don't happen to have your application at hand at the moment. With the holiday season at hand, everyone is very excited.“
hand in glove
if one person or organization is working hand in glove with another, they are working together, often to do something dishonest

It was rumoured at the time that some of the gangs were working hand in glove with the police.
at the hands of
because of someone's actions

It looked as if the Sparks would suffer defeat at the hands of their rivals, the Liberty. Since June, two young people who were under arrest have died at the hands of the police. The process has suffered badly at their hands
hand over fist
very rapidly.

What a busy day. We took in money hand over fist. They were buying things hand over fist.
hand in hand
together, one with the other. (Typically: go .)

Cookies and milk seem to go hand in hand. Teenagers and back talk go hand in hand.
out of hand
not controlled

Our use of credit cards was out of hand for a while, but then we just stopped using them and paid cash.
at first hand
from the original source; directly

"I heard this story firsthand"
in good hands
in the safe, competent care of someone.

Don't worry. Your children are in good hands. Sally is an experienced baby-sitter. Your car is in good hands. My mechanics are factory-trained.
cap in hand
humble or submissive

1. The folklore of American academia says that publishing and teaching go hand in hand.

2. In fact, our investigators are working hand in glove with the FBI and the SEC.

3. His humble (скромен, смирен) attitude, literally cap in hand, failed to mollify Parrish.

4. Brittney asked me to wear the skinsuit (пластокостюм) and keep the helmet close at hand, in case we needed to make a fast getaway (бягство, стартиране).

5. I want to hear this story at first hand.

6. Eva had rushed down to care for Peggy, confident that she was leaving her little business in good hands.

7. They have succeeded in spite of the ridicule they’d received at the hands of the secular (светски) scientists who’d tried to discredit their findings (данни, принадлежности).

8. The economy was rocking and rolling and we were making money hand over fist.

9. The question is wheather we will have the tools to respond to the situation before it gets so out of hand that it puts our entire economic system at risk. 

18. Studying the following compound words with hand and completing the sentences below

empty-handed (adj. с празни ръце)
high-handed (adj. своеволен, властен)
even-handed (adj. безпристрастен)
underhand (adj. непочтен)
short-handed (adj. с недостатъчно персонал)
red-handed (adj. с окървавени ръце)
hand-me-down (n. стари подарени дрехи)
offhand (adj. безцеремонен, надменен, импровизиран)
single-handed (adj. еднорък, извършен с една ръка, пригоден за една ръка)
backhanded (adj. извършен с опакото на ръката)
hand-to-mouth (да имаш и задоволяваш само основните си нужди)

1. In poor farm villages of the drylands (сухите зони), children wear rubber flip-flops or often-repaired hand-me-down shoes.

2. Mary tried to cash a forged (подправен, фалшив) cash at the bank, and the teller (банков служител) caught her red-handed.

3. As the mother of a seven-month-old son, I have been trying to locate a child care spot, but have so far come up empty-handed.

4. He gave me that classic backhanded compliment. He said I played football very well for a woman.

5. Because many viruses are spread by hand-to-mouth contact, frequent handwashing (измиване на ръцете) is key.

6. U.S. prestige is a historic low, partly because of the president’s high-handed approach to allies on issues ranging far beyond Iraq.

7. He was friendly, in a treacherous (вероломен, неверен, криещ опасности) sort of way, smiling into one’s face while he meditated some underhand trick.

8. This new law must be applied in an even-handed manner.

9. British sailor Ellen MacArthur set a new record this week for sailing around the world single-handed.

10. I don’t know the total population offhand, but I’m guessing it’s not more than five or six million.

11. We’re a bit short-handed. Some people went home to their families as soon as the chaos began.

12. The houses are made of field stones that are insulated (изолиран) with mud and straw (слама). It was a very basic kind of hand-to-mouth existence.

13. The Nissan had been a hand-me-down from my grandparents.


1. short-handed crew/team

2. single-handed move, effort, performance, assault (нападение, физическо насилие)

3. high-handed approach, style, tone, methods, firings (стребла)

4. red-handed pick-pocket (джебчия)

5. backhanded compliment, praise

6. even-handed enforcement (изпълнение, влизане в сила, прокарване), treatment (лечение, обработка, отнасяне), assessment

7. hand-me-down garments (облекло), ideas, clothing (дрехи)

8. hand-to-mouth existence, life

9. underhand dealing (държане), trick (трик, хитрост), tactics

10. offhand comment, remark, question

19. Idioms with blood

1. to make one’s blood boil – to make someone very angry, to arouse (събуждам, предизвиквам) strong emption.

2. to make one’s blood run cold –  to shock or horrify someone, to fill with horror (ужас)

The terrible story in the newspaper made my blood run cold. I could tell you things about prisons that would make your blood run cold.

3. to smell blood – to be ready for a fight; to be ready to attack; to be ready to act.

Lefty was surrounded, and you could tell that the guys from the other gang smelled blood. The lawyer heard the crash and came running—smelling blood and bucks.

4. to sweat blood – to be very anxious (тревожен) and tense (напрегнат).

What a terrible test! I was really sweating blood at the last. Bob is such a bad driver. I sweat bullets every time I ride with him.

5. to draw blood – to make someone bleed; to get blood from someone

6. to be out for blood – aggressively seeking to harm or get revenge; angry and looking for the cause of one's distress.

“The opposite team is out for blood, but we have a good defense.”

7. to bleed dry/white – to take all of someone's money; to extort money from someone.

“The creeps tried to bleed me white. Richard got a picture of Fred and Joan together and tried to bleed both of them dry by threatening to show it to their spouses.”

8. to have blood on one’s hands – to be responsible for violent injuries or deaths

“The teenager's blood was on the policeman's hands. The king's blood was on the hands of the murderer who killed him.”

9. new blood – new people or ideas to invigorate (засилвам, подсилвам) something

„This company needs some new blood on its board to bring in new ideas. We're trying to get some new blood in the club. our membership is falling.“

10. bad blood – unpleasant feelings or animosity (враждебност, неприязън) between people. (*Typically: be ~; have ~.) 

There is bad blood between Fred and Jim. They cannot be civil to one another. There is no bad blood between us. I don't know why we should quarrel.

11. a flare-up (обостряне) – a sudden worsening of a health condition; a recurrence (повтаряне, завръщане)

12. a clean bill of health 1. a report or certificate that a person is healthy (was given a clean bill of health by his doctors earlier this month.); 2. news that an organization is operating correctly (The airline received a clean bill of health from federal investigators.)

13. a sight for sore eyes – something/someone that is a relief or joy to see (You're a sight for sore eyes!)

14. just what the doctor ordered – exactly what is required, especially for health or comfort. 

“That meal was delicious, Bob. Just what the doctor ordered. Bob: Would you like something to drink? Mary: Yes, a cold glass of water would be just what the doctor ordered.”

15. itchy feet – a desire to move on or to travel (After three years in the job she began to get itchy feet.)

16. new lease on life – a renewed and revitalized outlook (перспектива, възглед, схващане) on life.

Getting the job offer was a new lease on life. When I got out of the hospital, I felt as if I had a new lease on life.

17. a dose/taste of one’s own medicine - a sample of the unpleasantness that one has been giving other people. (Typically: get ~; have ~; give someone ~.)

“Now you see how it feels to have someone call you names! You are getting a taste of your own medicine! John, who is often rude and abrupt with people, was devastated when the teacher treated him rudely. He doesn't like having a dose of his own medicine.”

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