Сложно съставно изречение (English Complex-compound sentence)

Сложно съставно изречение
В английския синтаксис, сложно съставно изречение е това изречение, което е съставено най-малко от две или повече свързани и независими прости изречения (independent clauses) и едно или повече подчинени изречения (dependent clauses или subordinate clause).

The dog lived in the backyard, but the cat, who thought she was superior, lived inside the house.
Тук самостоятелни изречения са:
The dog lived in the backyard.
The cat lived inside the house.
А подчинено е изречението:
who thought she was superior

Още един пример:
Ivan thought that Anne wanted venerability, but Anne, who did not care, thought that he was just being a friend.
Самостоятелни изречения:
Ivan thought that Anne wanted venerability.
Anne thought that he was just being a friend.
Подчинено изречение:
who did not care

Трети пример:
Though the movie had been tested on the market, The Last Shadow did not fare well in the United States, but it did develop a huge following in Europe, which usually does not go for this movie genre.
Самостоятелни (главни) изречения:
The Last Shadow did not fare well in the United States.
It did develop a huge following in Europe.

Подчинени изречения:
though the movie had been tested on the market
which usually does not go for this movie genre

Catch-22 is widely regarded as Joseph Heller's best novel, and because Heller served in World War II, which the novel satirizes, the zany but savage wit of the novel packs an extra punch.

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